Pablo Optimization Issue?
On branch computed-UTF-if-hierarchy, commit #61e5318a, I am getting a Pablo error.
cameron@cs-osl-11:~/parabix-devel/build12$ perf stat bin/ucount '\p{Letter}' ~/Wikibooks/wiki-books-all.xml -thread-num=1 -UseComputedUTFHierarchy -IfEmbeddingCostThreshhold=17 -EnableCycleCounter -ShowOptimizedPablo=pv -ShowPablo=pb
produces a Pablo error message.
LLVM ERROR: PabloCompiler: not_1961 was used before definition
The unoptimized Pablo has these in the right order:
cameron@cs-osl-11:~/parabix-devel/build12$ grep -rn not_1961 pb
12196: not_1961 = ~lookahead_21
12200: and_5486 = not_1961 & or_2138
The optimized Pablo shows the error.
cameron@cs-osl-11:~/parabix-devel/build12$ grep -rn not_1961 pv
10513: and_5486 = not_1961 & or_2138
10625: not_1961 = ~lookahead_21
12814: Byte_0_1f_2 = InFile(not_1961)
13035: and_7067 = not_1961 & or_2881
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